Sophie Coulson

Assistant Professor of Geophysics, Department of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire


Our research focuses on flow and deformation in the Earth's interior and the effect these processes have on changing sea level and ice sheet stability over a wide range of timescales.

If you have interest in working with me for your Masters, PhD or Post-doctoral program, get in touch! Please drop me an email - attach your CV and let me know why you're interested in working with me.

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  • August 2024 - Attended PALSEA-Next meeting in beautiful Santa Barbara, CA! I got the chance to talk about Allie's cool work on Melt Water Pulse 1A and some work I've been doing on the connection between GIA and earthquake activity along the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
  • April 2024 - Grace and I had a great week in Houston learning and networking at the interdisciplinary From Ice Sheets to the Coasts sea level workshop.
  • November 2023 - Our new study using Australian paleo-shoreline elevations corrected for dynamic topography to better understanding Mid-Pliocene sea level was recently published in Science Advances.
  • August 2023 - Started my new position as Assistant Professor of Geophysics at UNH! Go Wildcats!
  • April 2023 - Check out our new study on the role of rising sea levels in abandonment of Viking settlements in Greenland. Lead author Marisa chatted to The Washington Post and CNN and about our work!
  • February 2023 - Holly Han and I led a workshop at GEAR UP New Mexico Girls in STEM Pathways Conference at Crown Plaza, Albuquerque. Lots of fun playing with slime glaciers!
  • December 2022 - The LANL Ice Sheet Group are headed to Chicago for AGU Fall Meeting! Holly Han and I are convening a session on Observations and Models of Interactions Between Ice Sheets, Solid Earth, and Sea Level: Toward Constraining Modern and Future Sea-Level Change. Come by on Monday and check it out!
  • November 2022 - Lots of science and fun visiting Prof. Tamara Pico's research group at UC, Santa Cruz and Prof. Harriet Lau's research group at UC, Berkeley. Watch the recorded Berkeley Seismo Lab Seminar here!.
  • September 2022 - Check out our new paper published in Science on detecting the gravitiational pattern of sea level change in satellite observations of sea surface height in the oceans encircling the Greenland Ice Sheet. We even made NBC news!.
  • September 2022 - The LANL Ice Sheet Group headed to Colorado to present our research and learn more about West Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics at the 2022 WAIS workshop. Read Matt's recap here.
  • July 2022 - We use speleothem data and GIA models to constrain Late Holocene sea level in this recent Science Advances article.
  • June 2022 - Helped out at another fantastic outreach event with STEM Santa Fe - "Sky is Not the Limit - Aviation and Aerospace" at Santa Fe Regional Airport.
  • March 2022 - A visit to New Mexico Tech to give the Department of Earth and Environmental Science Colloquium, catch up with John Naliboff and make some new connections!
  • December 2021 - Had a wonderful time catching up with old friends and new colleagues at AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans. Check out my recorded talk and Marisa Borreggine's poster.
  • October 2021 - Led a workshop on "How Glaciers Move and Melt" at the STEM Pathways for Girls Conference in Santa Fe. Covered here by LANL Community Connections.
  • September 2021 - Enjoyed talking about my recent work and networking at the Joint PALSEA-SERCE Online Meeting.
  • August 2021 - Our paper on the effect of modern ice-mass loss on 3-D crustal motion was published in Geophysical Research Letters. The work was highlighted in Nature and also hit the media! See articles in The Harvard Gazette, Science Alert and Gizmodo.